Thursday, September 29, 2005

have you allready feel this way?

We ordered another round of drinks. That led to another round, and the another, and then another one after that. In between, the bartender stood us a couple of glasses on the house an act of kindness that was promptly repaid by encouraging him to pour one for himself. Then the tavern begun to fill up with costumers, and we went off to sit at a table in the far corner of the room. I can´t remenber everything we talked about, but the beginning of the conversation is a lot clearer to me than the end. By the time we came the last half hour or forty-five minutes, there were so much bourbon in my system that I was actually seing double. This had never happened to me before, and I had no idea how to bring the world back into focus. Whenever I look at Sachs, there were two of him. Blinking my eyes didn´t help, and shaking my head only made me dizzy. Sachs had turned into a man with two heads and two mouths, and when I finally stood up to leave, I can remenber how he caught me in his four arms just as I was about to fall. It was probably a good thing that there were so many of him that afternoon. I was nearly a dead weight by then, and I doubt that one amn could have carried me.

Leviathan by Paul Auster


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